If you are like me, you've
realized that there has been a lot going on in the heavens. We've
had eclipses, meteors and not one but three blood moons to thrill us. These signs in the skies had me heading for scripture to better understand what is going on. Three have already occurred and the next unusual event to happen in the heavenlies will occur on August 27th when Mercury will be next to the moon in the sky. The fact that we've not experienced just one but a myriad of many signs in the skies has had me scratching my head with so many others. Is this just coincidence or is something else going on....and why?
John Hagee's book "Four Blood Moons" opened my eyes to that which is seen and happening on earth and is connected to the unseen spiritual world around us. What I discovered i wanted to share in hopes that his book might shed some light into your life as well because we were experiencing too many things in the heaven's for me to ignore.
To quote the author John
Hagee, “It is rare that Scripture, science and history align with
each other. Yet the last three series of Four Blood Moons have done
just that.” Did you know that they did? What do they mean? I
wanted to know. Why am I so curious? Because throughout scripture
God revealed often that,
“There will be signs in the sun, in the moon and in the stars..Then they will see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.” Luke 21:25, 27-28
The book “Four Blood Red Moon's” masterfully begins to reveal an alignment of scripture, science and past history to reveal prophecy that has come to pass and reveals our seat upon the precipice of history about to be made. You see not all of prophecy has come to pass yet....but we are close.
So lets see how the irrefutable science of what was happening in the skies perfectly lined up with what was happening to Gods chosen people Israel and the Jewish people.
We are experiencing a
thrilling reveal of Four Blood Red Moons but it is not the first time
in history this has happened.
When four appear they are called a Tetrad. There have been several Tetrads since NASA first recorded their occurrences, but Tetrads linked to significant Jewish history have happened only 3 times in more than 500 hundred years. So science has paralleled with scripture and prophecy before and is about to happen again. The first three happened in 1493, 1949 and 1967.
When four appear they are called a Tetrad. There have been several Tetrads since NASA first recorded their occurrences, but Tetrads linked to significant Jewish history have happened only 3 times in more than 500 hundred years. So science has paralleled with scripture and prophecy before and is about to happen again. The first three happened in 1493, 1949 and 1967.
Each of these tetrads is linked to specific Jewish holidays and feasts. For example, the first Tetrad of Blood moons occurred on the Jewish holidays of passover and feast of Tabernacles as shown here :
1. Passover, April 2, 1493
2. Feast of Tabernacles, September 25, 149
3. passover, March 22, 1494
4. Feast of Tabernacles, September 15, 1494
The second tetrads sequence occurred in 1949-50
- Passover, April 13, 1949
- Feast of Tabernacles, October 7, 1949
- Passover, April 2, 1950
- Feast of Tabernacles, September 26, 1950.
The third tetrad sequence
occurrencedin 1967-68.
- Passover, April 24, 1967
- Feast of Tabernacles, October 18, 1967
- Passover, April 13, 1968
- Feast of Tabernacles, October 6, 1968.
The fourth tetrad began in
2014 with
- Passover, April 15, 2014
- Feast of Tabernacles, October 8, 2014
- Passover, April 4, 2015
and will conclude on
September 28, 2015 on the same day as the Jewish
Feast of Tabernacles.
Coincidence? I think not. Read on...
So what do these dates have to do with Jewish customs? Good question!
Is it by chance or divine
orchestration that these signs in the heavens correspond with Jewish
customs but more importantly Jewish history? Mr. Hagee notes in his
book that each time one of these tetrads has occurred, something
significant happens regarding Gods chosen people, the Jews and or
Israel. Every time. Case and point...
The First Tetrad - 1493-1494
In 1493-94 King Ferdinand
and Queen Isabella of Spain consolidating their power by uniting
Spanish kingdoms into the nation of Spain. In 1481, fearing Jewish
influence the king and queen allowed a catholic controlled
Inquisition by one Tomas de Torquemada who created villainous acts of
torture to attack the Jewish people living there.
Many were murdered during great atrocities of torture. Those who survived were exiled in the Edict of Expulsion, banishing all Jewish people from Spain who refused to convert to Catholicism. The ousted Jews were stripped of their wealth and all they had and were cast away to nothingness.
Its interesting to note that in 1492 when Columbus sailed the ocean blue...doing so for Spain he would write,
Many were murdered during great atrocities of torture. Those who survived were exiled in the Edict of Expulsion, banishing all Jewish people from Spain who refused to convert to Catholicism. The ousted Jews were stripped of their wealth and all they had and were cast away to nothingness.
Its interesting to note that in 1492 when Columbus sailed the ocean blue...doing so for Spain he would write,
“in the same month in which their Majesties issued the edict that all Jews should be driven out of the kingdom and its territories, in the same month they gave me the order to undertake with sufficient men my expedition of discovery in the indies.”
And we all know that Columbus discovered America which would later become a haven for many Jewish people. Its interesting to note that Columbus' voyage was financed with Jewish monies stripped from the Jewish people.
As Columbus sailed out into the sea toward the new world he would pass by many ships laden with over 200,000 surviving Jewish refugee's. Indeed, the year 1492 was a significant year in the history of the Jew's as well as the history of America.
Coincidence or divine orchestration?
The Second Tetrad - 1949-1950
When the second tetrad
occurred in 1949-50 they occurred during the rebirth of the State of
Israel which began in 1948. The land of Israel was given to the
Jewish people by God in what is called the Abraham Covenant.
“Arise, walk in the land through its length and its width, for I give it to you.”
Genesis 13:17
The gift is recorded between God and Abraham, Isaac and Jacob repeatedly and repeatedly powers in this world have tried to strip it from them. Coincidence? This power struggle for the land God gifted to those he chose and those who die in their pursuit of taking it away? Why? Why such a struggle over and over if its only coincidence?
In the book Mr. Hagree lays out 25 various scriptures showing that God emphasizes his desire for the Jewish people to exclusively own this land. Among them are the following:
“Now the Lord had said to Abram:
Get out of your country,
from your family and from
your fathers house,
To a land that I will show
I will make you a great
I will bless you and make
your name great;
And you shall be a
I will bless those who
bless you
And I will curse him who
curses you;
And in you all the
families of the earth shall be blessed.”
Genesis 12:1-7
“the Lord said to Abram, after Lot had separated from him: “Lift your eyes now and look for the place where you are --- northward, southward, eastward and westward: for all the land which you see I give to you and your descendents forever.”
Genesis 13:14-15
The land of Israel is the only nation ever created by a solemn act of God.
To read the other
scripture verses write me and I'll give them to you or go and buy the
In AD 70 Titus forcibly exiled the Jewish people from Israel. Since that time they had been scattered across the face of the earth (in keeping with prophetic scripture) ...until May 14, 1948. It was then with accordance with a decision of the United Nations General Assembly and with the support of the United States that the State of Israel was established.
The first permanent Israeli government took office on January 25, 1949. During the next several months, a series of four Israeli War of Independence truce agreements were signed: with Egypt on February 24, with Lebanon on March 23, with Jordan on April 3 and with Syria on July 20th. All of these agreements created armistice demarcation lines which established Israel's borders.
It was during this process of Israel's rebirth and the establishment of her borders that on Passover 1949 God splattered the heavens with the first Blood Moon of the second Tetrad. The Jews had endured great hatred, severe tribulations, Inquisitions, imprisonments and the Holocaust and finally were given their homeland back. And the celestials responded in kind.
Hmm. Another Tetrad and another red letter event in the history of Israel and God's people the Jews.
The Third Tetrad - 1967-68
Though the Jewish people
were filled with great joy at yet another biblical prophecy coming to
pass, their joy quickly turned to fear as Israel's (and God's)
enemies began to try and reclaim the land they had lost. Israel was
at war from the moment they declared their statehood.
In the War of Independence, may 15, 1948 to March 10, 1949, seven Arab nations came against Gods people. In this bloody war fought along its entire border 6,373 were killed in action.
Then there was the Six Day War and the Sinai War fought between October 29 – November 7th 1956.
March 1967, Arab nations began to rally their country's with the intention of driving Gods people into the sea. Consider this....in Psalms 83 David writes:
“See how your enemies
growl, how your foes rear their heads.
With cunning they conspire against your people; they plot against those you cherish.
“”Come,” they say,
“let us destroy them as a nation so that Israels name is remembered
no more.”
And on May 18, 1967 the Voice of the Arabs radio station proclaimed:
“As of today, there no
longer exists an international emergency force to protect Israel. We
shall exercise patience no more. We shall not complain any more to
the UN about Israel. The sole method we shall apply against Israel
is total war, which will result in the extermination of Zionist
Two days later Syria's defense minister threatened Israel with a declaration of war that would make one faint with fear. May 27, 1967 Nasser of Egypt leveled a threat of destruction upon the Jewish state. May 30th, King Hussein of Jordan signed a defense pact with Egypt stating:
“the armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon are poised on the borders of Israel while standing behind us are the armies of Iraq, Algeria, Kuwait, Sudan and the whole Arab nation. This act will astound the world. Today they will know that the Arabs are arranged for battle. The critical hour had arrived.
All of this rhetoric was
matched by the mobilization of approximately 465,000 enemy troops
with over 2800 tanks and 800 aircraft.
And Israel won the war.
And Israel won the war. No this is not a typo. Its to emphasize the miracle of what happened in those 6 days. You see there were many eye witness accounts of miraculous things that happened during those 6 days that impacted both Israeli, enemy and journalist bystanders.
Those accounts undoubtedly led to the miraculous triumph when by all accounts it should not have happened. Consider this:
The Conquest of Schechem – This city was an important asset and expected to be one of the bloodiest battles they would encounter. The enemy of Israel assumed the army would enter through the coastal region so the Jordanian army placed their artillery there. Israel however entered through the back door of the city. When the Israel Defense Force or IDF entered in, rather than being met with opposition they encountered their enemy waving flags at them as they were mistaken for Iraqi fighters. By the time it was realized the fear of the God of the Jews fell upon all. They raised their arms in surrender.
A Direct Hit – An IDF truck loaded with arms and shells was loaded and ready to deliver armaments to the front lines. If the truck was hit by enemy fire it would explode bringing down all buildings near it. In the night an enemy shell was heard whistling through the air and scored a direct hit upon the vehicle. The shell never exploded.
Eighteen against Two – Two fighters for Israel were sent out on patrol. They each had a gun and some ammo. Suddenly a half track with mounted machine guns and many fighters turned a corner and headed straight for them. The two Israeli fighters were filled with despair. As they watched them approach they pointed their two weapons at them waiting for a barrage of bullets. No bullets flew. After some time the two decided to approach the vehicle. They found 18 soldiers inside with a petrified look on their faces. When they asked why they had not fired they each told a story of losing the use of their arms and bodies.
There are more stories told in the book and I strongly encourage you to read it and additional stories of “the finger of God' moving on behalf of his people as found if nowhere else in the total people killed. In that six day war Israel's enemies lost 21,000 people while Israel only lost 779. Think about that.
And the fourth blood Moon occurred on the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles October 6, 1968.
This book went to print
before the 4th Tetrad began April 2014. This tetrad will
end September 2015.
Remember in 2014 we had the first Blood Moon on April 15, 2014 which was also Passover. Later that year we had the second Blood Moon on october 8th which happened on the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles. Our third occurred on Passover, April 4, 2015 and here the world is poised for the fourth and final moon.
Remember in 2014 we had the first Blood Moon on April 15, 2014 which was also Passover. Later that year we had the second Blood Moon on october 8th which happened on the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles. Our third occurred on Passover, April 4, 2015 and here the world is poised for the fourth and final moon.
Doesn't it make you wonder what is going to happen given the history already made?
This is where I defer to Gods own word. You see, already prophets of old who forecast events they saw in their minds eye and in dreams foretold of events and those events came to pass including the Jewish people receiving their homeland Israel back. I find it interesting that the Bible refers to moons that will turn the color of blood (blood red moons) and the sun that will go black
Those are familiar to us now, like a neon sign in the sky telling us......what?
Those are familiar to us now, like a neon sign in the sky telling us......what?
And this is where we are
given our charge. Gods word says when these things happen –
the prophet Joel says in
Joel 2:30-31 -
And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth;
Blood and fire and pillars
of smoke.
The sun shall be turned
into darkness
And the moon into blood
Before the coming of the
great and awesome day of the Lord.
The neon sign is blinking people.
So is it any wonder --- should I have been surprised that last nite I opened an email from Charisma magazine and the headlines of an article shook me. The headline, “10 Things That Are Going to Happen Within 15 Days of the End of the Shemitah”.
The word “shemitah” refers to the Jewish celebration of “Shabbat” or sabbath which refers to allowing the land to rest every 7th year similar to the way the Jewish people rest every seventh day. Observing this law guarantees abundance but neglecting it leads to judgment and is recorded throughout the Bible.
Jewish tradition (which are Gods traditions) teach that exile is the penalty for the three cardinal sins of murder, idolatry, sexual immorality and for neglecting to keep the shemitah laws.
So what does a Jewish tradition have to do with the United States?
Though we generally are not a Jewish nation, we are a Christian nation and one who has been --- until recent generations – committed to following Gods word. But our disobedience as a nation to the precepts of Gods word is begging for a correction from Abba Father.
Consider this...
2001 was a Shemitah year. We all remember September 11th when we were attacked on our own soil for the first time since Pearl harbor.
7 years later we landed on another Shemitah year. 2008 saw the American economy collapse 777 points on September 29, 2008.
You do the math.... seven years later we enter September 2015.
The article in Charisma magazine does not predict any one event but it lines up for us what the world DOES know is going to happen. Take a look:
Sept. 14th Rosh Hashanah – The Jewish New Year. (This ends the year of rest – Shemitah and ushers in the new year.
Sept. 15th The Jade Helm military exercises are schedules to end.
Sept. 15th: The 70th session of the U.N. General Assembly begins on the date. It has been widely reported that France plans to introduce a resolution that will give formal U.N. Security Council recognition to a Palestinian state shortly after the new session begins. Up until now, the U.S. Has always been the ONE blocking such a resolution, but Barack Obama has already indicated that things may be different this time around. Understand that God WILL continue to uphold Israel regardless of what anyone in the world desires. Continuing to uphold, support and pray for Israel is the salvation of America!
Sept. 20th to 26th: The “World Week for Peace in Palestine Israel” sponsored by the World Council of churches.
Sept. 21: The U.N. International Day of Peace. Could this be the day that the U.N. Establishes a Palestinian state?
Sept. 23: Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement for the Israeli people. It is the holiest day of the year).
Sept. 23: Pope Francis arrives at the White House to meet with President Obama.
Sept. 24: The Pope addresses a joint session of the U.S. Congress.
Sept. 25 to 27: The U.N. Is going to launch a brand new sustainable development agenda called “the 2030 Agenda”.
Sept. 28th: This is the date when the Feast of Tabernacles begins. This is also the date for the last of the four blood moons that fall on biblical festival dates during 2014 and 2015.
Author Jonathan Cahn
released a new video in which he expressed his belief that a great
shaking is coming to America and the world. He points to the
biblical pattern of desecration preceding judgment and he is
convinced that we recently witnessed a historic act of desecration here in the United
I do not pretend to know everything and I do not presume to forecast the end of the world nor have the ability to prophecy. However I am not blind and I do read Gods word and I know from deep in my gut that Gods word never lies and Gods ways cannot be erased just because a foolish country wishes it so.
Gods word stands and it never changes. His ways are yesterday, today and tomorrow regardless of where we live or who we call ourselves.
With the arrival of the Charisma magazine article I felt a strong urging within my spirit to finish this lengthy book report and put it out there for all to read.
Jonathan cahn's book “The
Harbinger” is a gripping read as well as his other books that allow
the non-Jew to understand how God works and has worked throughout
history. Look him up and buy the books. It was in reading that book almost two years ago that opened my eyes to how scripture, current and past events can reveal the hand of God and his ways, at work.
And when you read these books, cross reference the
scriptures they note with Gods word and read what God has to say about
the signs he is leaving in the skies.
My prayer is that we as a nation will not be who the prophet Jeremiah describes in Jeremiah 6:10 when he says,
“To whom shall I speak and give warning
that they may hear?
Behold, their ears are
And they cannot listen.”
I pray we will listen.
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