Thursday, April 16, 2015

Spending Time With Christ

Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you.  Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you.  psalm 143:6

They say you become who you spend the most time with.  I remember watching my children choose their friends and I tried to instill within them a list of what attributes were important when choosing their friends.

I've watched people as they choose "outside their normal crowd".  As time passes I've witnessed how they begin to morph into the ones they spend the most time with.  One observation showed one person who spent time with someone with a foul mouth and a lean toward sexual innuendo.  It did not take long for this person to slowly begin to take on the veneer of the crowd he hung out with.

Spending time with Christ has become paramount to having a life infused with all the things necessary to live a successful, stable and victorious life.  It is vital that each morning I have time with him, listening to him and reading of all things "him" to become more like him -- which is my life's goal.

Time with Him is time well vested as I learn how to sidestep life's pitfalls; I learn how to combat the traps that satan sets for me; I find comfort -- almost like medicine for whatever ails me or I am reminded again of how big my God is.

Spending time with my friend provides the necessary time to become more like him. 

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