The other day I was with my niece in labor and delivery and they sent her down for an ultrasound. I've seen them before and will never forget 29 years ago seeing my firstborn on the day he was born, in an ultrasound. It never ceases to amaze me as I see how technology has advanced these almost 3 decades where now you can see a 3-D image of your unborn child before they are born.
As I stood watching the technician take specific views to make sure little Gabriel was still safe and sound, I was in awe as he measured bones, spaces of amniotic fluid, the girth of the baby to determine about how big he was at 35 weeks and try to catch a glimpse of his face which I might add was effectually hidden behind his two drawn up fists!
I was overwhelmed at the glory of creation. I was reminded of Gods own word and what it has to say about this...
"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them." psalm 39:13-15.
Before the dawning of ultrasound expectant parents could only wonder at the child they felt moving within a mothers body. But God knew the width, the sex, the skin color, the very individual things that set that child apart.
When my mother and father were expecting me they had no way of knowing whether I was a boy or a girl; what color my hair and eyes were or what I would weigh when I was born. I was wrapped in mystery and yet though unseen they believed in my existence because of my mothers burgeoning belly, my movement and the sound of my heartbeat. They knew in part and believed.
Take it back a few hundred years before stethoscopes. Women had the lack of menses and a burgeoning belly to suspect a coming child. Movement inside the belly was the greatest proof they received of a coming new life. No heartbeat to hear; no ultrasound to see something tangible. They knew in part and believed.
And then I thought of Gods existence and remembered this scripture
" For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. 1 Corinthians 13:12."
Today we only know in part and yesterday we knew even less, and yet we believed. I think of a line from one of my favorite movies, The Polar Express. At one point the boy is challenged with it that seeing is believing or is it that believing is finally seeing? There is so much that goes on around us or is around us that remains hidden, but still exists. Our vision is only limited. But does our limited vision mean that what we cannot see or understand is not there?
Almighty God. His son Jesus Christ. People in dire circumstances who cry out to our unseen triune God; people whose faith is raw and persistent and they bring forth life in the form of answered prayer and an ever burgeoning faith. Healing, provision, doors that open or close, dead things that come back to life. These situations and revelations become our stethoscopes and ultrasounds to see the reality of God's existence and power.
Like an ultrasound.... "for now we see through a glass darkly". We can see a little but not able to take in the magnificence. "then face to face". How amazing it is to behold a newborn child. To take it all in. To touch, to count, to feel. "Now I know in part. But then I will know as I am known".
I challenge you first to stretch your vision. If you can see through the glass darkly, take it all in and know there is more --- just as you know there is more to an unborn child than can be captured in an ultrasound. Secondly, ask yourself this....can you believe without seeing the whole picture? Remember this. Jesus said in the book of John,
"You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing me." John 20:29
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Thursday, December 26, 2013
The Gift of Children
"Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their fathers.
Proverbs 17:6
As I lay in bed Christmas Eve, my heart - mind and spirit were trying to knit together a new understanding of the meaning of Christmas. For so many years Christmas has borne the fingerprints of my parents who had the gift of infusing that time of year with so much love, joy and giving that it is difficult to dissect them from it. As a 19 year old I became a Christian and my Christmas celebrations were infused with more of Christ which further grew my beliefs and expressions of the holiday in December.
A new season in my life was set upon me last year in Christmas 2012. It was so not normal as #1 I was without both of my parents as they had both passed away. #2 we left home and joined my husbands family in a beautiful seaside home for Christmas. That started the list of things I'd never done. I'd never been without my parents; I'd never spent Christmas with my in laws even after almost 29 years of marriage; I'd never spent the holiday's on the sea, I'm a mountain girl through and through. Much of what we had last year was foreign with new traditions and foods. While I loved the people I was with, I was not full of joy or the spirit of Christmas as my heart was grieving so.
This year we had a very different year again. We moved on December 1st. I fell and separated my shoulder that first nite in our new home. We again traveled mid month to go and celebrate our 26 yr old daughters college graduation. We were infused with joy at all she accomplished and overcame and through her triumphs experienced our own.
This year we were full of the kind of joy where you say to yourself, "pinch me! Is this real?" ... for we find ourselves living in a lodge style home with bricks and hewn logs inside on acres of land with bear, moos and deer. It is indeed well with our soul. We had all the money we could have wanted after 8 years of absolute destitution but for the gifts of manna from God and they were plenty! I wrapped our last gifts on Christmas Eve; planned our menu for an expected house full the next day. Ready, set, go.
But there I lay in bed, exhausted and wondering why we always have to be so exhausted for Christmas. Is this really what God or Jesus would want? I'd run myself ragged getting ready for this and I highly doubted that this is what either of them would want. Sure, we had given a lot to many. We had made sure to minister to those less fortunate because that holds a special place in our hearts. But my heart cried out... "Lord! Isn't there more?" More than packages wrapped up in ribbon; traditions, cooking, baking, decorating etc?
As I lay there contemplating this new place in life I realized that I was standing in a place in my life where I had to transfer from one plane to the next. Looking behind me at past landings where I'd been so content and full to rest, I realized there would be no going back. I had to move forward and part of me did not want to leave the dais upon which I'd stood for so many years....but I knew I'd never be happy or content or full again unless I did.
I began to rest in the Lord and wait for fresh understanding. My mind was drawn to babies. For reasons only known to God, he sent his son, who was powerful and mighty, to earth as a baby. Gods word is full of enough information to know how God feels about children and babies. He wants us to be like little children. My thoughts ran backwards to long ago when our lives and hearts were so vacant after my grandparents died and then four years later with the impending arrival of the first grandchild - my son Josh --- that impending arrival and new chapter to come caused my father to turn over a new leaf in life. My father was absolutely transformed and became a different, better man. A little baby with the power to transform.
My thoughts traveled to six months before when my niece Meaghan arrived with her one year old, Axel. Our lives were weary, worn, still full of grief over the losses we'd endured and this little child infused our hearts and lives with joy overflowing and laughter and love. A small little baby/toddler and he transformed our lives. So much mystery surrounds the wonder of children. And yet those of us rich enough to have them allow our lives to be filled with so much busy-ness that we do not realize the girth of our fortune if we have them. From them we can learn and follow them to true peace and fulfillment in life.
I was left in awe once more of God's choices to send Jesus my savior as a baby. I was left aware of how a gift had visited us in the form of Axel. As I am so aware of the joy of Axel, I had to be that much more aware of the joy and life and power of Christ as a child. I made the jump and landed firmly upon the new landing. And the page was turned.
I realize that I must move forward. I must change and be willing to embrace this new season I am in and find the peace God desires for me. I also know with greater understanding the blessing in disguise that babies and children are. I know God must have planned it this way. How fortunate and blessed generations of old were when they had large families and it seemed there was always a baby or toddler underfoot. I truly believe that the presence of children/toddlers/babies brings the abundance of ability to find joy once more in spite of the grief. They are our hope. Gods word even says this about children:
Psalm 127:3-5
Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.
And so I drifted off to sleep thinking of babies and children. Thinking of Axel, the little boy I love as though he were my grandson. I fell asleep thanking God for each child of my body and each child of my spirit and heart and their children too. I realized that in the smallest of packages comes the largest of gifts.... understanding, simple wisdom, hope, transformation, valuing innocence.
Lord, give me the ability to stop and listen to the little packages in my life. Help me God to ignore the come hither of the world to take in the wealth you have placed around me in the hearts and spirits of the little's in my life. Help me to remember....less is more. amen.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
It's All About Perspective!
You cant live a positive life with a negative mind. Say what? You cannot live a positive life with a negative mind. Nope. You cannot. That would be like mixing oil and sauce and ice cream... peanut butter and dill pickles with syrup on pancakes. Ok wait. That tastes delightful. Scratch that one.
I once heard it put this way.... your mind is a battlefield and it is there that the struggle is born. Where your mind goes.... your thoughts and body will follow. This quote from Lao Tse sums it up: “Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habit. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.”
It is really easy when things are going swell to be positive. When the bills are paid and the boss is happy --- its a beautiful day. When your honey brings you flowers and the kids sing your praises....when no one is sick, the house didn't catch fire, the laundry room didn't flood. You get a raise.... you found a twenty dollar bill, someone buys you lunch. Wooo hoooo! Life. Is. Good! You are smiling and the world smiles with you
But how about when life is not all sunshine and roses? How about those real incidents that test your resolve.... the fender bender, being late for work, a boss that you cannot please, a grumpy spouse, unappreciative kids, things beyond your control, bill collectors, spilt coffee, caring for sick parents, finding out someone you trusted lied to you.... losing your purse and quite possibly your mind. Those days it is harder to be a positive thinker and so the battle ensues.
How do you survive the negative things in life without becoming negative? I love the following truths from scripture about this battle ...
Proverbs 23:7 says, "As a person thinks in his/her is he/she."
Colossians 3:2 says "Set your mind (your thoughts) on things above...."
Scripture lines up with what Lao Tse said. When life lobs a ball at me and hits me it creates a response within me and with it comes a thought. Positive or negative, those thoughts will become words. And I choose the direction in the midst of the arm wrestle. My words will become actions and the actions will be stronger than the words spoken because as I entertain them they grow more and more powerful. The choice is ours. Will there be power in the upswing...or will the power of negative thoughts drag us down?
Each of us has the option to see our lives and our day as the glass half full or half empty and it all depends upon PERSPECTIVE. I believe that part of the battle is about evil getting us to see life incorrectly as though we have blinders on to the truth. Hence, we are told we have two options.... a life half full or a life half empty. But in reality I say that there is a third option... a life whose cup runneth over!
There is ALWAYS something to praise God for in every day. Gods word directs us to "rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS, again I say rejoice!" Count those blessings woman! Something else that helps me is to look for God in everything.
When my father battled cancer for 2 1/2 years he taught me a valuable lesson. We had been going through a terrible drought financially, emotionally and physically for several years. My dad, however, was battling for his very life! He was in the midst of treatments that were supposed to destroy the cancer cells but they tore his body down robbing him of strength, vigor and life. The pain he experienced was tortuous.
Almost daily I would call Pop and ask him, "How are you today dad?" Invariably he would have a positive thing to say.... "Oh, not too bad. I know it could be worse. I know that somebody, somewhere has it worse than me." This remained his mantra all throughout the rest of his life. He had every right to be upset and negative at the hand life played him. But he chose differently. His attitude choice I believe elongated his expected life from six months to 2 and a half years! That attitude of upward thinking struck a chord in me and realigned my vision and it has not changed.
Yes, we've experienced financial devastation and yes we lost our first house to foreclosure because of Wayne's injury....but we've never had a tornado come and wipe our life away as though it had never been there.
Yes my husband was hurt in the line of duty as a police officer. Yes, he has lost many physical abilities in the course of several years worth of operations and recoveries, but our family has not had to bury an officer killed in the line of duty.
Yes, we've felt the sting of injustice and in spite of my husband's documented injury on the job we've had to fight for every bit of compensation he's been given. It is so unfair and unjust the money spent in this legal battle. But for every unjust strike against us as we battle forward in the courts for what is rightfully due my husband there are a hundred experiences of the faithfulness of God and his provision!
Yes we've been homeless for three months, gotten food stamps, gone and stood in line at food banks. But we have countless stories of how miraculously food and money arrived "from nowhere" to sustain us.
You may wonder, what could be so positive about all these negative things? Here it is ...I love Isaiah 61 which says...
"The spirit of the sovereign lord is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor (See...we have been poor. Who better to understand the needs and pain of the poor?)
-- He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted (We have been brokenhearted)
-- to proclaim freedom for the captives and to release from darkness for the prisoners (we understand what it is to be held captive by something)
-- to comfort all who mourn and provide for those who grieve in Zion, (we, too, have grieved and mourned!)
--to bestow upon them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair." (We have experienced a powerful God who can and will take the ruins of a life and turn it into something beautiful and meaningful again.)
You see, we know what it is to be without and so we give. We know what it is to grieve, and so we comfort. We know what it is to be hungry, so we feed others. We know what it feels like to live a broken life and rise we encourage! it is literally giving legs to Gods word and promise which states -- You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives (Genesis 50:20 NIV). The fight that injured Wayne was intended to destroy him. however, God has used it over and over again to save his life, to teach him and to move us where he wanted us in keeping with his plan for our lives. That is how we find God in the midst of life. I know you can too.
I challenge you to get the big magnifying glass out and inspect your life. Ask God to help you look more closely at the negative balls that are lobbed at you and dare to find the good God will bring from them. Next, when you are tempted to fire off at the mouth and curse the balls thrown at you.... tick off the things you are thankful for. I am certain you will find a list of things to be thankful for. Read the newspaper. Pull up your online news and start counting your blessings.
My prayer for you is that next time life throws balls at you like an out of control will tick off the positive and like ice cubes being dropped into a glass of iced tea soon and very soon your cup will overflow.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
The Seedlings of Faith
I did not always pursue Jesus. There was a time in my life when I did not even KNOW of him.
I look back now on my life and I am OVERWHELMED with awe at HIS pursuit of ME!
Though my parents had both been to church in their youth, when they were having their family (I am the oldest) they did not belong to a church or take me to church.
The first person who took me to church was my kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Edith Phillips. Out of all the children in her class, God led her to me. She asked me if I'd like to go to church with her and I said yes. My parents said yes. Every Sunday morning she was faithful to come by my house and pick me up and take me to church with her.
We attended the First Missionary Baptist church on Hillside Road. She took me to Sunday school where I can remember sitting with other children and learning about Jesus and God. I remember the pages I was given; the stories that were told and I began to understand that there was a God who loved me and I was his little girl.
All school year I went with Mrs. Phillips. I sat in big church next to her and listened to the singing and the preaching. I remember looking at the wood board on the side of the wall that had all the numbers listed of those in attendance. I never realized how much a part of my life church and learning of who I was to God would become.
That school year of 1966-67 ended and we all broke for summer. I did not attend church with Mrs. Phillips. In early September we walked down to Bidwell Elementary and went to the windows of all the first grade classrooms to find my name. Lo and behold we were pleased to find that Mrs. Edith Phillips had become a first grade teacher and I - Dori Albright - was at the top of her class roster!
As you may have guessed, I was asked again by my teacher if I'd like to go to church with her again. And again I did - for the whole year. I wish I could say that she then became my second grade teacher, but she did not. However, the seeds that had been planted within my heart were watered and protected. All because of Mrs. Edith Phillips.
A few years later in my fifth and sixth grade years, a little girl named Susie Turner took me to the same church with her off and on and again I learned more about the love of Jesus and God. During those visits my seedlings of knowledge were watered, weeded and tended to as the little seedlings grew.
I remember that during my difficult adolescence I believed in God. I knew he was there and as my journals attest, I was always mindful of him and cried out to him. I also prayed to him continuously.
I did not come to know the Lord on my own until I was 19 years old. My siblings had become believers and pursued me vigorously. That time of my life was a sad one as I'd lost my grandparents and life felt somehow pointless. That feeling had me looking for God. In the spring of 1980 I made a deal with my sib's....I'll go one time but you will promise to leave me alone after that. They agreed.
On the chosen morning both of them were sick and with a boldness that was not normal I decided "lets get this over with!". So I went alone. I remember sitting in the back pew in between strangers. The pastor was hipper than I remembered any pastor being allowed to be. He had longer hair and was wearing a 3 piece yellow suit! COOL!
I loved the worship. I listened intently to the sermon. As the service was closing an electric feeling silence fell upon the sanctuary that was new for me. Everyone seemed eager and anxious. Suddenly a man began to speak in a foreign language. Something deep within me moved and responded and I did not understand it at all. When his voice trailed off the room was filled with a pregnant silence. Another man's voice raised and interpreted what the message of tongues had been. I do not remember the full message but this much I have never forgotten..... "to the one who has been looking for me and searching. I am he and I can be found...." My heart was doing flip flops and I knew he was talking about me! I knew and God knew I had been searching for him in a way I did not know at the time. That morning as I wept, I gave my heart to him and life changed forever.
As I sit here today, thirty plus years after this experience I am aware of those towering oaks of faith in my heart. I am mindful of their stature. I am mindful of the fruit they bear. I am mindful of the storms they have survived and how deep the roots are because of the storms. But you know what I am most mindful of today? The precious one who planted the seeds in the first place. Mrs. Edith Phillips.
Today it would be impossible for a teacher to invite a student to go to church with her. My how times have changed. And this question bears asking.... if teachers can no longer invite little one's to go and hear about how Jesus loves them who can? Who will plant the seeds?
We live in a world today filled with natural disasters, atrocities and terror we never dealt with when I was a child in the 1960's. I never remember feeling frightened for my life or hopeless. But today is a different world we live in. So much has changed, but one thing has stayed the same. Jesus. He is the hope for the hopeless. He bestows value upon those who will hear. He is the anchor.
Mrs. Phillips was a grandmother. She had her own children and grandchildren and I am sure nieces and nephews too. But there was room for one more. She saw the value in planting seeds in the heart of a little girl. She has been long gone but her gift remains inside of me. Because of her planting.... the oaks that have grown within me have given life to others. Those oaks of faith have given shelter to me and my own family. It's fitting that despite having my own children and nieces and nephews I've always found room "for one more". My prayer is that I will always have room for just one more' and will never lose the understanding of the importance of planting seeds in those whose hearts are ready.
So I challenge you. Is there room for one more under the shade of the big oak? Can you spare the time to plant, weed and water a seedling in the heart of another? Go ahead...go and get your hands dirty. Go ahead. Go dig in the dirt and plant the seeds that keep on giving unto eternity.
I look back now on my life and I am OVERWHELMED with awe at HIS pursuit of ME!
Though my parents had both been to church in their youth, when they were having their family (I am the oldest) they did not belong to a church or take me to church.
The first person who took me to church was my kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Edith Phillips. Out of all the children in her class, God led her to me. She asked me if I'd like to go to church with her and I said yes. My parents said yes. Every Sunday morning she was faithful to come by my house and pick me up and take me to church with her.
We attended the First Missionary Baptist church on Hillside Road. She took me to Sunday school where I can remember sitting with other children and learning about Jesus and God. I remember the pages I was given; the stories that were told and I began to understand that there was a God who loved me and I was his little girl.
All school year I went with Mrs. Phillips. I sat in big church next to her and listened to the singing and the preaching. I remember looking at the wood board on the side of the wall that had all the numbers listed of those in attendance. I never realized how much a part of my life church and learning of who I was to God would become.
That school year of 1966-67 ended and we all broke for summer. I did not attend church with Mrs. Phillips. In early September we walked down to Bidwell Elementary and went to the windows of all the first grade classrooms to find my name. Lo and behold we were pleased to find that Mrs. Edith Phillips had become a first grade teacher and I - Dori Albright - was at the top of her class roster!
As you may have guessed, I was asked again by my teacher if I'd like to go to church with her again. And again I did - for the whole year. I wish I could say that she then became my second grade teacher, but she did not. However, the seeds that had been planted within my heart were watered and protected. All because of Mrs. Edith Phillips.
A few years later in my fifth and sixth grade years, a little girl named Susie Turner took me to the same church with her off and on and again I learned more about the love of Jesus and God. During those visits my seedlings of knowledge were watered, weeded and tended to as the little seedlings grew.
I remember that during my difficult adolescence I believed in God. I knew he was there and as my journals attest, I was always mindful of him and cried out to him. I also prayed to him continuously.
I did not come to know the Lord on my own until I was 19 years old. My siblings had become believers and pursued me vigorously. That time of my life was a sad one as I'd lost my grandparents and life felt somehow pointless. That feeling had me looking for God. In the spring of 1980 I made a deal with my sib's....I'll go one time but you will promise to leave me alone after that. They agreed.
On the chosen morning both of them were sick and with a boldness that was not normal I decided "lets get this over with!". So I went alone. I remember sitting in the back pew in between strangers. The pastor was hipper than I remembered any pastor being allowed to be. He had longer hair and was wearing a 3 piece yellow suit! COOL!
I loved the worship. I listened intently to the sermon. As the service was closing an electric feeling silence fell upon the sanctuary that was new for me. Everyone seemed eager and anxious. Suddenly a man began to speak in a foreign language. Something deep within me moved and responded and I did not understand it at all. When his voice trailed off the room was filled with a pregnant silence. Another man's voice raised and interpreted what the message of tongues had been. I do not remember the full message but this much I have never forgotten..... "to the one who has been looking for me and searching. I am he and I can be found...." My heart was doing flip flops and I knew he was talking about me! I knew and God knew I had been searching for him in a way I did not know at the time. That morning as I wept, I gave my heart to him and life changed forever.
As I sit here today, thirty plus years after this experience I am aware of those towering oaks of faith in my heart. I am mindful of their stature. I am mindful of the fruit they bear. I am mindful of the storms they have survived and how deep the roots are because of the storms. But you know what I am most mindful of today? The precious one who planted the seeds in the first place. Mrs. Edith Phillips.
Today it would be impossible for a teacher to invite a student to go to church with her. My how times have changed. And this question bears asking.... if teachers can no longer invite little one's to go and hear about how Jesus loves them who can? Who will plant the seeds?
We live in a world today filled with natural disasters, atrocities and terror we never dealt with when I was a child in the 1960's. I never remember feeling frightened for my life or hopeless. But today is a different world we live in. So much has changed, but one thing has stayed the same. Jesus. He is the hope for the hopeless. He bestows value upon those who will hear. He is the anchor.
Mrs. Phillips was a grandmother. She had her own children and grandchildren and I am sure nieces and nephews too. But there was room for one more. She saw the value in planting seeds in the heart of a little girl. She has been long gone but her gift remains inside of me. Because of her planting.... the oaks that have grown within me have given life to others. Those oaks of faith have given shelter to me and my own family. It's fitting that despite having my own children and nieces and nephews I've always found room "for one more". My prayer is that I will always have room for just one more' and will never lose the understanding of the importance of planting seeds in those whose hearts are ready.
So I challenge you. Is there room for one more under the shade of the big oak? Can you spare the time to plant, weed and water a seedling in the heart of another? Go ahead...go and get your hands dirty. Go ahead. Go dig in the dirt and plant the seeds that keep on giving unto eternity.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
The Canvas of your Life
Though the colors on the canvas of your life appeared darker
SOON you will see how they added a wonderful shading to the
which is your life.
Then ~ when he turns you around to see the
masterpiece you will draw in your breath and be amazed at what he has created in the work that is YOU! So when the colors feel dreary and dark at the hand that is melding the colors!!
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Having The Heart of God
Serving others is not always easy. It
requires a position of the heart bent toward unselfish gain.
Servants are expected to work hard with nothing in return.
People in ministry soon come to learn that serving others, ministering to others needs can be a thankless calling. In my own life God began to teach me early on the correct position of the heart. Pride runs like a ribbon through my family as it does in others. From infancy we are taught to thrill to the sound of applause for imitating what we see or hear and we do it for the recognition and treats we receive.
We even teach our animals to perform well to receive goodies. So what a difficult lesson it is to learn to do unto others without expectation of anything in return. Harder still is to watch someone else receive recogntion for something WE have done. How sour the medicine when we see verbal parties thrown for others whose work ethic is less than ours while we get lost in the shuffle. What are we supposed to learn from such a sting?
The teaching moment comes when we must ask ourselves....why do I do what I do? Do I do it for recognition? Do I do it for glory? As a Christian answer comes back as “I do what I do because I love people.” God has called me to love his sheep – love his people. In loving being Gods heart, his hands, his feet, his voice, I am given the awe inspiring privelege of loving others in bodiment as Christ, for no other reasons than to give myself wholly to God.
Dont get me wrong. I am human. I do have moments when I thrill to the sound of applause; when I sigh heavily as I feel as though life is nothing but giving and it would be nice to receive. But the truth rushes in and I come back to center with the gentle push from God with this question....”Why do you do what you do? If you knew you would get no recognition, no honor, no pay, would you still do this?” Emphatically my answer has always been a resounding yes! Lord! Yes!
People in ministry soon come to learn that serving others, ministering to others needs can be a thankless calling. In my own life God began to teach me early on the correct position of the heart. Pride runs like a ribbon through my family as it does in others. From infancy we are taught to thrill to the sound of applause for imitating what we see or hear and we do it for the recognition and treats we receive.
We even teach our animals to perform well to receive goodies. So what a difficult lesson it is to learn to do unto others without expectation of anything in return. Harder still is to watch someone else receive recogntion for something WE have done. How sour the medicine when we see verbal parties thrown for others whose work ethic is less than ours while we get lost in the shuffle. What are we supposed to learn from such a sting?
The teaching moment comes when we must ask ourselves....why do I do what I do? Do I do it for recognition? Do I do it for glory? As a Christian answer comes back as “I do what I do because I love people.” God has called me to love his sheep – love his people. In loving being Gods heart, his hands, his feet, his voice, I am given the awe inspiring privelege of loving others in bodiment as Christ, for no other reasons than to give myself wholly to God.
Dont get me wrong. I am human. I do have moments when I thrill to the sound of applause; when I sigh heavily as I feel as though life is nothing but giving and it would be nice to receive. But the truth rushes in and I come back to center with the gentle push from God with this question....”Why do you do what you do? If you knew you would get no recognition, no honor, no pay, would you still do this?” Emphatically my answer has always been a resounding yes! Lord! Yes!
the Son of man comes in his glory and all the angels with Him, he
will sit on his glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered
before him. He will separate the people one from another. As the
shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep
on his right and the goats on his left. Then the King will say to
the ones on his right “Come, you who are blessed by my Father;
take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the
creation of the world. For I was hungry and thirsty and you gave me
something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed
clothese and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I
was in prison and you came to visit me. Then the righteous will
answer him, “Lord when did we see you hungry and feed you, or
thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a
stranger and invite you in, or needing clothese and clothe you? When
did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you? The King will
reply, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least
of these brothers of mine, you did for me. Matthew 25:31-40
You may can I serve others, how can I love others as Jesus did?
Each of us has unique talents and gifts that we can use to bless the lives of others. All around us are those in need of something. Put the two together. If you love to cook, cook for others. If you are artistic, create for others. If you have time, give your time. We all have something we can give.
Dori Albright-Cass 3-22-13
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Are You A Whiner or Believer of God?
As children we often did not understand some of the decisions our parents made due to our inability to see the “big picture”. When we became adults we could look back and understand why they responded as they did. Hindsight is always better than foresight.
If we were blessed with good parents, we begin to understand that their motivation was our good as they sought to shape us and teach us how to survive with strong morals. When we ourselves become parents we gain a deeper understanding of what goes into making those decisions that impact our children. It is painful when we must correct our children, make them wait for something or teach them about integrity, hard work, fairness or injustice. But we see the bigger picture and understand it is for their good that we must teach these valuable lessons. Love demands that we impart this wisdom to ensure their survivability in the world!
Given that, why is it then that we as adults are so quick to blame God for these same principles in our adult lives? As adults we still must deal with injustices, wrong attitudes needing adjustment or lessons of integrity to be learned. Our Father in heaven loves us with an even deeper love than our earthly parentals. He see's the bigger picture. Yet when we must wait longer than we like, when things don't turn out the way we prayed them to, or life comes along and deals out another hand of injustice, we are so quick to blame God for it all.
This is not faith or belief in Gods love for us, it is just the opposite. You may SAY you love and trust God but your actions and attitude say differently. Ouch. People world wide know the exasperation of a child throwing a willful temper tantrum. Satan – the deliverer of trouble, injustice and disease --- GLORIES in us as we whine like spoiled children at Gods feet.
As an adult looking back over your childhood, the proof that your mom, dad and grandparents loved you “is in the pudding” as they say. You can go back throughout your life with a fine tooth comb and find every evidence there is to the reality of their love for you. What you find there builds your faith in their love.
Sadly, many believers in Christ today struggle to find a trusting relationship with God because of abuse from the very one's who were entrusted with their care. While I do not have all the answers, I do know that often they can look back and go over their life with a fine tooth comb and find evidence of God bringing people into their lives to feed them the love He longed for them to have. We must never doubt Gods desire to lift us above our circumstances. This side of heaven we will never know fully every time God intervened, buoyed our circumstances to make them do-able or sent angels to minister to us in body or spirit form. We must TRUST that he has been with us, interceding for us.
Though God is not tangible if you look back throughout your life with him you will see the proof is in the pudding. Count your blessings. You will see the painting of his presence in prayers answered or unanswered. Look for the doors that opened or closed miraculously. Look for the scriptures that actually played out in your life as God kept his word. Hindsight allows you to look back over the canvas of your life to see his love for you IS factual. REMEMBER how he has shown his love for you. REMEMBER where you see his fluid patterns emerge. TRUST in his love for you.
Become a better child. Strive to become a lover of your heavenly father, not a whiner.
“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed upon you because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.” Isaiah 26:3-4
“But as for me I trust in you O Lord; I say “you are my GOD”. My times are in your hands.” Psalms 31:14-15
Thursday, March 7, 2013
In the Kitchen
They say the kitchen is
the heart of the home. Its the place where people gather and comfort
abides. It is the one room of the house that appeals to all senses.
From the kitchen comes sustenance and life.
My mother was at home in
the kitchen. It was her office. Her easel. Her sanctuary. Every
meal was a masterpiece and was put together with great forethought,
planning and execution. Holiday meals were my mother's world series
and she hit the ball out of the park with each one.
As mom taught me how to
cook, she bestowed upon me tools for life. Early on I learned the
tools of the trade and how to equip myself and my kitchen for
success. At her side she taught me the importance of following
recipe's, the gift of servitude, the joy of family and yes,
cleanliness is next to godliness. ha.
Considering it now I see
that the kitchen was the schoolroom for life. Working alongside of
her in the kitchen I learned about being a wife and mother. And just
recently I found the correlation between a woman's kitchen and God's
heart...the holy of holies. If you'll look closely enough you will
find that God is in the kitchen.
Walk into any kitchen and
you will find it stocked with a host of basic ingredients –
ingredients that ensure success. Kitchens for centuries have had the
following....curtains, an apron, a sink or basin, utensils, stove
with the home fire burning– fridge – at least one table,,
counters, cups, plates, spoons, forks, knives, perhaps a butcher
block, water, spices, flour, sugar, oil and bread.
Read Exodus 25 and walk
through Gods Tabernacle and you find the precise recipe God gave for
The Tabernacle - colorful blue, purple and red curtains, fragrant
incense burnt upon the altar or table; oil made from fine spices and
olive oil which was used for anointing, the bronze basin/tub,
lamp-stand, table of shew bread and the priests. God carefully chose
each element for the Tabernacle in right proportions – all that was
needed to bring right relationship between his people and himself.
Aaron and his sons were
called forth to be the priests and they were consecrated. Loaves of
bread were prepared with flour and oil without yeast. An animal was
brought forth and butchered and prepared as an offering. Special
garments were created with perfect precision to be the outerwear for
the priests to wear. The priests were brought to the basin and
washed. Throughout the chapter of Exodus 29 are precise instructions
creating the perfect recipe if you will to bring about Gods blessing.
A recipe for grace and forgiveness
One described the heart of
the home and family, the other the heart of God. Both brought into
perfect unison when adhering to the recipe's given in proper
proportion. Love, forgiveness, faith, patience, kindness, compassion,
truth, serving others, hope, purity. With great care, forethought
and planning he gave us each ingredient in good measure to bring us
the sweetest tasting, most divine life we could create.
As I stand in the middle
of the kitchen and glance about I see pieces of my mama...her apron,
her favorite nesco roaster, spice shakers and bowls. And as I look
about my kitchen I see today's reflections of God's
instructions...olive oil, my potpourri scent burner, spices, bread, a
table and a basin. I am aware of the elements and aware of the
blessings if I follow the instructions. And I am aware of the loving
instruction given by God and my mama.
1 Thessalonians 1,2,7
for other matters, brothers and sisters, we instructed you how to
live in order to please God, as in fact you are living. Now we ask
you and urge you in the Lord Jesus to do this more and more. 2 For
you know what instructions we gave you by the authority of the Lord
Jesus. For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life.
Therefore anyone who rejects this instruction, does not reject a
human being, but God the very God who gives you his Holy Spirit.”
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Beauty From Brokenness
How I love author Ann
Voskamp. She inspires me daily with her writings and blog. I
stumbled across her One Year Challenge of 1000 Gifts today which started
January first. Each day she asks you to find 3 specific things for
which to give thanks for and document them with pictures if you can. The premise is that at the end of the year
will be a photo journal and diary that you can peruse to recall all
the wonderful things you were blessed with each day of this year! How I wish id
found this on January first. Ah well. Better late than never!
Today is March 6th and today's assignment was to find three diffeent things....something Bent, something Broken and something Beautiful. As the day passed me by I kept my eyes peeled. Here is what I found without leaving my recliner!
Something Bent
– Today I am laid up with bursitis in my shoulders. I've been so
blessed today as my husband has waited on me. He is often so bent
over in his own pain, on a daily basis and yet he thinks nothing of
himself when I am in need. I have been so incredibly blessed as he has served me, even from his bent position.
Broken – A letter arrived today from my dear Aunt Pat who is convalescing in a special hospital
in California with a compound fracture of her leg. She has had quite a time of it with various complications. About 2 weeks ago I
sent a card of encouragement with no expectation whatsoever of getting any response
from her. But here today I was so blessed to receive this envelope
with the writing of someone very old and obviously broken . She sent me a short letter to
thank me and did so laying in bed in a prone position. It touched my
heart so. I shall treasure the love deeply. Her leg may be broken, but not her heart.
Something Beautiful – As I sat here with my laptop both of my fur babies were keeping me company. My shih-tzu Hannah and
kitty Skeeter shared the recliner. Hannah was on the footstool and Skeeter, he has to
be as close to me as he can. I dare say he'd lay ON my laptop if I'd
let him. He was curled up here on the arm of the recliner.
He made a
noise as if to say, “I want to tell you something...” and I
reached out my hand to him and he began to kiss my finger. I thought
to precious is this cat to me! A piece of my mom and
dad that is still here; our fur baby, the one we all loved together. A connecting
bond. And here he is, sitting with me on mom's recliner, licking my hand.
He's always loved recliners and the people who used them. Being with
his people, comforting and kissing them he has always been faithful to do. The love? Beautiful.
The life lessons and the "God thing"
in the conditions of bent, broken and beautiful is as follows.....Even in a bent, broken condition we can
bring love and beauty to others. Even from a
recliner with ice on your shoulder you truly CAN find something to be thankful for....if you look hard enough. Be happy. Be positive. Be blessed. There is a silver lining in every cloud.
Thanks Ann.
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